Translate   12 years ago

The Punk and The Kitkat There was once a little old lady who every tuesday walked up to her local café for a hot chocolate and a Kitkat. Last Tuesday she got her Kitkat and hot chocolate as usual, and paid at the till. However, today the café was packed; the only seat left was next to a young man. This young man was a punk- his ears were pierced all around the edges, and his nose had a huge stud in it. He wore a leather jacked with the sleeves ripped off, and he was frowning grumpily. "can I sit here?" the old lady asked. The man grunted and nodded in reply. So the old lady sat down and sips her hot chocolate. Then the punk picked up the Kitkat and unwrapped it. The old lady was puzzled by this. The punk broke it in half and began to eat one half. The old lady was full of anger and gustation at this teenage pest, it was just like someone like him to take advantage of her, a helpless old lady. So to show that she wasn't taking any nonsense from him, she picked up the other half of the Kitkat and ate it. The punk looked surprised at this. The old lady laughed. "that'll teach you." she said. And she finished the rest of her hot chocolate and stood up, eyeing the teenager in disgust. It wasn't until she got back to her house that she found her Kitkat, in her handbag where she'd put it after paying for it.

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