Traducciones   13 años

Religion: 2 Even though it's commonplace for you to believe in EITHER God or Evolution, both are technically just theories. Therefore, there's no real reason why the two cannot be intertwined. After all, the world is a changing place and there are many things beyond our control, such as climate change (more on that another day) and the like. If we don't consciously change our bodies and adapt, why can't that cause be God? If he controls our bodies, he can control how we change to our environment. Or, conversely, perhaps he can change the environment to suit us. But he wants his race, made in his image, to be what survives. We, as humans, are on top of the food chain. We are self aware and as said earlier, we make decisions that affect the universe. When we look at the book of Genesis, we see that Adam and Ever were created and lived a #life of luxury in the Garden of Eden; a paradise to live, where there was no shame of them being naked. They openly talk to God, and he openly speaks to them. So God tests them, and they are thrown out of Eden. Only then are they made self aware, realise they are naked and are thrown into a wasteland. What does this mean then? Well, I believe that Eden is a metaphor for Heaven. Why couldn't it be? As I said, it's a paradise for the only two humans in existence so far, and everything is there that they need. After giving them free will (the act of taking fruit from the tree of knowledge) Adam and Eve out of 'heaven' and are made self aware. This self-awareness, this could be the reasoning behind the 5% of the brain we use. The conscious part. To make decisions on our own, and suffer the consequences. As for your brain being '100% God'? Well, I saw something on a British TV show called 'QI' a few years after thinking this, which made me shudder. If you want more, say it and I'll post it.

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