Natural Ego In a world of ever expanding cities, technological growth and an unstoppable craving for consuming there must be sacrifices. Nature, or a human perception of 'nature' has taken a beating over the past centuries which has brought us into an age ripe with activists and do gooders in defence of what we like to call our planet. The human ego tends to make you believe that you are important, that you are of worth or that you are some sort of catalyst for good will, however, this is far from true. We as humans are a tiny part of the complex eco system that makes this world work, it just so happens that we have been able to create incredible leaps in evolution. To say that a laptop, mobile phone or fried mars bar is not natural is undoubtedly egotistical, to think that humans have the power to create anything unnatural is mind boggling. Our resources are of this earth, they are natural resources and so can only create products of nature. If a dog created a phone out of horse hair and a bee hive, would you consider that to be natural ? Everything that has ever been and ever will be on this planet is natural, the eco systems in place here are vastly more complicated than we could ever hope to imagine. So sit back, relax and know that whatever happens is perfectly natural. Ce le vie.

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