Slang I cannot comprehend why some people feel the need to use words, which aren't even real words? A lot of people don't understand them, often the people using them can't even define then, yet some people find it so cool to talk in this way? Once, my sister and I challenged someone to talk in proper english for some time and he was literally incapable of not using slang for more than 20 seconds. Why? Maybe their personalities are so lacking and their 'hard'ness is so non-existent that they have to speak in this way to make themselves feel more 'hood'? I get for some people, they were brought up in an area where a lot of slang is used and they are fed it from a young age but when people from a posh area try to sound like they're from a more ghetto area.... WHY?! Sometimes it's fun Occasionally it can be useful. But when you use it all the time, you just sound like a dick. So no, you will not 'spark' anyone, I'm not 'chatting breeze' and I would not like to 'set man my digits'. Also, this has been said before but having a fake Gucci belt in your bbm picture does not mean you are 'ballin'. That is all.

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