Translate   12 years ago

Ghost Story There was once a couple that had two children and they wanted to go on holiday without there children so they called a baby sitter over to look after the children but when mell the baby sitter was watching the news it said that there was a clown statue on loose so she looked behind her and there was a clown statue then she turned around back to the tv but when she next turned around the statue was gone and it suddenly went quiet she could no longer hear the children so she went up to the attic to see the children but she couldn't see them anywhere until she looked up and there hanging on the ceiling upside down blood dripping out of there mouths dead so she went downstairs screaming her head off when she got down she sat Down and turned around and the clown statue had moved so she rang the parents but just as she was about to press the green button the clown statue stabbed her with a DAGGER!!!!!!!

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