Translate   12 years ago

Cold Air There was once a family who were very happy and always went for camping and field trips. One day Sunny, an eighteen year old boy in the family, was about to walk home from his rugby match. Emerging from the showers he wrapped his winter jacket round himself tightly and stared up at the stars, wishing he could get home and have a warm cup of coco with his little sister, Diamond. When he got home, he found his mother and father crying in the sitting room, "Mum, Dad? What's happened? Where's Diamond?" asked Sunny, glancing around. " Boy this is hard. Diamond's bully's found a bread knife and... And" Explained his father, tears streaming down his face. A few days later Sunny was lying in bed when he heard his sisters laugh and he became really cold although the heating was on. So he ran downstairs to tell his mother. "Don't worry, you're just grieving. Go and take a hot bath or something" comforted his mother. The bathroom was a horrific sight. Blood everywhere and in the middle; his father. Sunny screamed and ran to tell his mother but her limbs were dipped in vinegar and her head chopped off surrounded by dolls. There it was again; Diamond's laugh" hello Sunny" Sunny whipped his head round to see his sister; a ghost in a white dress. The last thing he remembered was his sister's doll walking towards him with the same bread knife as his sister was killed with.

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