Translate   12 years ago

Zero - part 7 15:11pm I’d wasted a lot of time already, so I needed to execute this perfectly. I looked up at the target destination. I was standing at the end of a long driveway. There was grass on both sides yellowed by the sun with trees dotted about randomly. The house itself stood half collapsed, but I wasn’t fooled. The other half of the house stood perfectly intact, windows un-shattered and doors upright. The only fault visible was the slightly chipping paint on the walls. The biggest giveaway was the slight glint of the sun on the Land rover poking around the side of the house. Assessing the house, it seemed possible that if necessary I could break a window on the top floor and jump onto the roof below before climbing down the drain pipe. It was probably highly unnecessary. I shuffled next to a tree and dropped my bag, removing the light weight submachine gun inside. I circled the side of the house to the backdoor and quietly pushed it open. The gun was perfectly balanced in my hands as I silently rounded the house. I listened for a second and then sighed. As far as I could hear, all five targets were in the same room. It made my job a whole lot easier. I paused at the door to the room and clicked off the safety on the gun. With no hesitation, I pushed open the door and released a round of bullets. I was quick and efficient the targets in the room had no chance to react before I hit them. Five bullets, five people. Mission complete. The ring of the shots echoed in my ears as silence fell on the #lifeless room. No longer necessary, I slung my SM gun into the corner of the room. I went over to each body, inspecting their pulse to make sure they were dead, as the General had instructed. Whilst I was checking the last body, there was a gasp form the doorway and a pink blur flew into the room, and knelt next to the second body I’d checked. I shot to my feet and drew my handgun.

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