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Zero - part 6 ‘I have to go. I have a mission to complete.’ I said prying my arm from her grip and moving a step away. ‘No, but you’ve got to come play with me first! I was going to go to the playground, and it’s more fun when there are more people.’ Lily said as she began to drag me with her down the street. Play? Soldiers don’t play. I was about to stop, but I was enjoying her company. The General wouldn’t mind. I was ahead of schedule anyway. Lily led the way until we got to the playground. She ran up to the slide and called me over, before sliding down. I slid down once just to satisfy her. It was my first time on a slide but I was just moving from the top to the bottom of the slide, and yet for some reason I wanted to do it again. I went down again and again. After my fourth time I couldn’t help but smile. I smiled at Lily, then frowned. What am I doing? I’m meant to be on a mission, I thought guiltily. Before I could explain that I had to go, Lily ran up and tagged me. I had to catch her to tell her I was leaving anyway. I chased after her. She wasn’t hard to catch she didn’t have my training and she seemed out of breath but she kept running. I couldn’t help but get caught in her enthusiasm for the pointless game, and I ran around trying to stay away or tagging her. It would hurt my pride as a man if I wasn’t last one to tag, so I couldn’t leave and she didn’t give up. A sound escaped my lips and I froze. I just laughed. Laughing was a privilege I had yet to receive. The General said I had to earn that right. My lip trembled at what I’d done, then I composed my face back to that of an emotionless soldier. ‘I have to go.’ I called without waiting for an answer before I sprinted off down the street and around the corner. I didn’t stop until I was three streets away. I reached down to my leg to retrieve the army knife strapped to my right ankle. I pulled back my sleeve to reveal several scars along my arm. I prided myself on the fact that I had the fewest out of everyone else. I made the least mistakes, until now. I’d made the General proud. I flicked out the knife and drew a line down my arm. Red slowly spread over it, but I didn’t wince or anything. I was useless if I couldn’t handle this much pain. I replaced my knife and bandaged my arm. I’d received my punishment and I was now completely focused on my mission. No more mishaps. The General doesn’t give second chances.

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