Traduzir   13 anos atrás

Rainforest Story - Part 1 Here is the first part of a story I wrote when I was 11. The other parts will follow soon. Josh turned round frantically. He looked around and with a lump at the back of his throat forced out: “Tim! Mark! Rakesh! Anybody?” Josh gave up. He knew it, he was lost. It slowly sunk in; Josh was in the middle of the Amazon rainforest fifty miles away from help and civilization. He had been on an expedition to discover new plants and had been separated from his companions while he was going to the toilet. Josh’s heart rate increased, he sweated even more than usual which was very uncomfortable in the already humid air and he felt so very, very, very nauseous. Josh concentrated. “Right”, he thought, “I’ve got a map, three days worth of food and two days worth of water, I can do this.” He set off, his heart still like a revving engine in his chest. It wasn’t going to be as simple as he thought. There would be many challenging tests ahead of him in those fifty miles of rainforest before he reached a nice warm bed and human company.

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