Translate   12 years ago

Miley Cyrus and the tale the unfolds What killed her? What caused her to mess up this greatly? Why can't she be tamed? Miley Cyrus is no average Teen. She is a role model, or should I say WAS a role model. Children all over the world wanted to have her musical ability and her popularity! (I know I did.) She was given her chance to shine with a TV show, a record label, concerts, and a chance to meet legendary celebrities! But, there was one thing that ruined her family yet it started her career. Hannah Montana, a hit TV show that aired on the disney channel, was loved by children of all ages. It told the story of a girl who was a pop star but wanted to keep that a secret. She meets many stars along the way! Such as Dolley Parton (her godmother), the Jonas Brothers, Sheryl Crow, Raven Simone, Dylan and Cole Sprouse, and many more! But what did Billy Ray Cyrus had to say about Hannah? "Hannah Montana ruined my family!" That explains, 'I can't be tamed'. Here telling the truth, I am Mary Johnson, signing out.

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