What Next I've not written anything for days, somehow feeling empty of words for the page. It's late, again, somehow this seems to be the only time I can think. Really think without all the mundane day to day issues whirling round my mind. I'm feeling lost in the sense of who I am who I wanted to be. It's been so long since I asked myself those questions that now they seem so difficult to answer. Caught up in the whirlwind of the last twenty years never being able to stop or free myself for even a moment. I find myself wanting to hold up my hand as if to catch someone's eye, to make myself seen again. Only I can make the changes I so desperately seem to crave, but being brave enough to take that step, to reach out and stop the merry go round I'm on, if only for a while. I'm not sure if I can do this, but I'm going to try and I'm gonna keep looking til I find what it is I want next.
Nagib Tharani
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