Stance, And Destroy Boy was hunched over his desk, spanner in hand working away at a large robot body part. Kaylin walked in "hows the, thing coming along?" "fine" he replied in a deep voice, deeper then Kaylin had ever heard before. "you need help?" she asked sweetly "naa! It's all good" his voice now easing up, "well, if you do, just ask" "it's fine, I got it" Boy said putting down the spanner and adjusting the screws on what seems the be a single massive hand. Kaylin watched for a moment, then turns away, standing in the doorway she feels unwanted, yet wants to help, its been awhile since she's really connected to Boy.... she waits, then she snaps "I'm NOT useless!!!" she tells him "Uh" boy stops and turns in a panic "wha- um..." he's not sure what's going on but knows Kaylin is angry at him "are you, ok?" "no I'm not ok you selfish fool, YOU!" she stands legs at stance "I? Um... hold on, err?" Boy panics he's not use to Kaylin yelling "hold on" he walks over to her "NO! I won't, I won't be USELESS!" she storms off, our of the cabin and out on the the deck. Boy now left alone, standing completely destroyed by what's just happened "wha- what did I, do??"

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