What Lies Within He pinned her to the ground, his fingers digging into her shoulders as he struggled to keep hold. She thrashed beneath him. Her torso twisting, legs kicking wildly but he persisted. Pushing her torso into the dirt as he knelt over her, his rancid breath coming now in gasps. As he leaned closer, putting more weight behind his arms her erratic movements suddenly ceased. She stared unblinking and emotionless into his eyes. Time seemed to freeze, seconds turning to minutes as he waited. His body aching from the struggle, but he kept focus, his eyes locked to hers. As he stared, his arms tense, body prepared for another battle, her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Her mouth gaped, head thrust backward as a high pitched screech pierced his ears. Although her body was still he sensed moment below. Daring to move his focus he glanced towards her stomach, his heart thumping, eyes widening at the sight of movement beneath her skin...

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