Behold The Sun King at The Enquiry "All human things are subject to decay, and when fate summons, monarchs must obey" - John Dryden He twists and squirms to turn the truth around, an empty vessel making hollow sounds, he rails against this temerity: he is the victim of lese-majesty. He suffers not the questions of this Poppin Jay and turns to his advisers in the fray: "Canst not thou make him end this fucking thing today?" Alas, The Sun-King cannot hold his tongue (It matters not since he is so seldom wrong) He affects the sentiments of The Everyman whose views he seeks and yet eschews his company, preferring the elite. His privacy he guards, none other has the right, not murdered children, nor criminals in flight. All are equal subjects before the invading might of every spy dispatched into the night. When power meets power no quarter's asked but very often given, each silent wish is gained (though for not ever striven). Nor is there mystery to this; as he enriches us so he is enriched. For at his court he has met them all: Prime Ministers before their fall, now court jesters, fools enthralled, once called upon but now required to call. He does not seek for favour, there is no need - all must already know and then take heed: "Ye must look into The Sun if ye should know my mind" commanding with a gaze or gesture, coin of kind, this one-eyed king doth think his subjects blind. He has no victims, can do no wrong; he is a force of nature, proud and strong; he does not stoop to deal with the Affairs of State - that's for his ministers to debate, it matters not and is dismissed with wave of hand. The Sun-King has no concerns but to increase his lands. Each man may kill the thing he loves - The Sun King loves The Sun. Can e'er a king fly to close? Answer came there none.

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