The Sailor's Diary Day 13- The ship is rocking back and forth, the rain is lashing down on us, it has been for days! We have already lost 3 men! The captain didn't seem to care , all he wants is to find the Xphyrox Medallion, apparently it has the powers to grant immortality, I would love to get my hands on it! Living forever, how does that sound, eh? Day 14- Another man lost, went insane during the night, jumped overboard, no one dared to jump over, not in this storm anyway! The captain has been up all night, my dormitary is right underneath the bow of the boat, I can hear his wooden leg clipping of the floorboards, but it does come in handy at times, since I heard him say "Land is 2 days away..." Day 15- Excitement! I have a new spring of hope inside me, nevermind the medallion I already feel immortal! I wonder what it will look like? Black with a skull in the middle? A bright, pure gold colour? But lets just hope that this so called 'captain' doesn't get his hand on it, i'll make sure of it... Day 16- Another 2 men lost overboard. We should be arriving today, hopefully nothing has been delayed, I haven't heard the captain for a while, must've finally fell asleep, thank god! I've been sitting up at the front of the boat for a while but it's too cloudy to see anything, curse the clouds! Day 16, 230- Land! Land! Land! I was the only one up! I saw it coming from the right, I turned the boat so quickly everyone else was woken up! Day 17- We landed this morning, captain still nowhere to be seen! Its mine the medallion is mine! Day 17, 170- I've ran away from the other sailors, I think i'm getting close, i'm having to cut down the plants with my rapier, I'm nearly there! I'm sure of it! Day 17, 210- I'm there there is a chest in the middle of the clearance, glowing with power, I creep over to the chest, swing it open, it's gone! Nothing is there! I let out a roar, I can't believe it! Wait.. I can hear footsteps, I shout "Who's the..." Cut off mid-sentence, a long black sword sliding through my chest, my dying view is.. is.. a dark figure standing over my body, the captain! And in his hand! It can't be! The medallion... Thanks for reading everyone! Nathan

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