übersetzen   13 Jahre

Untitled Generic Post About Love On the long and twisting road home i take a detour so as to pick a friend up for our plans later- this however is not pertinent to the story. I meander along gently, the slight bumps and dips rocking the car gently. And while drove I came upon a sight not often enough seen. It was a young couple. A man and a woman. She had just arrived home from work and he came out to meet her. She looked at him briefly before letting a smile cross her face. She steps in and throws her slender arms about his caring neck, her auburn hair washing over his shoulders as she leans in. She buries her still grinning face in his collar and explodes in to a fit of jovial giggles as he embraces her and lifts her off the damp ground. They spin slowly locked in arms and teeth bared in joy and naught else. It's easy to see that these two are no more than puzzle pieces fitting together as only they can. Its not often to see something of depth that makes you slow to steal another glance at others happiness. It infected me as i watched and i was grateful to these two strangers for brightening my day and reassuring my faith in love. Whether they had been together a day or a #lifetime it didn't matter. The sky could have been falling and they still would have only seen the other's eyes looking in to their own. I wish for this, not just for myself but for everyone. No matter who you are or what you've done, everyone deserves to be happy and it's something that should be priority one. Happiness is good platform from which your #life can grow. If you're sad all the time then your #life is wasted- theres so many great and wonderful things happening out there, to not be a part of them is a tragedy, and i pity anyone who doesn't try.

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