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Let's Talk About Technology Wherever you go, the technology is present. We live with technology by our side. And the most important thing in any technology tool is the user experience. The companies which create and develop this tools needs improve this sector. Taking the two most important technological devices in our time as example, personal computers and mobile devices, we realize that there's no way to make success in this market without a great user experience. The same applies for the software developers. Let's think about games. I know that a lot of you guys play some kind of game. Doesn't matter which device. What is more important in a game? The graphics? The soundtrack? Or the possibilities and the situations that it provides to you? Include strategy, mechanisms and history.... What about professional softwares? A good software is that one who provides the best tools and more practicality for doing activities. That is user experience. It pass trough since user interface till the good responding of the system. A program or device needs to be fun to use and very intuitive, so the user will be instigate to enjoy it. Opuss is a good example, it's good cause it provides a great composing and sharing experience for users. The point is that all companies really need to invest on the developing and improving their users experience. Let me know your opinion about it! Leave a comment!

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