Translate   12 years ago

Money is so important in #life. Lots will vote against it , won't buy my views. But believe me, these words I say after experiencing that phase of #life when you are left with very little money ( when once you had loads of money). When I had money with me, when the notes were tumbling in the bank account , #life was so different. I was the pie of everyone's eye. People looked up to me. There was a kind of respect in those eyes. Eyes.....they have there own way of speaking without words . And if you look deep into them you can easily interpret what they speak. There were days when those eyes were filled with admiration. Eyes would be looking out for me in the crowd, eyes wanting me to talk to them. Eyes that were thankful to me when I purchased something with my money load. Eyes that jealously pried through my worthy possessions. And now suddenly those eyes have gone dry!!!! Eyes that bewilderedly tell me what a fool I have been to through away a laid plate of goodies. Eyes that laugh at me for dreaming a huge dream. Eyes that are amazed at me for trotting along a path laid with hardships. Eyes that are saddened now that they know I cannot buy them happiness! Eyes that pity on me for having a desire for growing big... And then there are my own eyes.....some days filled with dreams...some days filled with gloom....some days singing along the path....some days tired of the hard ships....some days wanting to fly high....some days ready to give up....

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