Opussing Opussing becomes difficult. Its hard to write quality stuff all the time. I try not to post things that people won't want to read- although the one about the throne was borderline drivel. So if you are displeased with my opusses then please crack the whip and yank the chain. Tell me I'm crap. Tell me I'm bad. We need the criticism, we need the insult. We take it and we grit our teeth and dig our heels in. It would be easy to give up and it would be easy to quit. But there's only one thing that you need to bare in mind... We can only learn to push forwards when someone else pushes us back. You're stronger than you think and you're better than you know. Don't take any bad words to heart. Take it to fist and prove them wrong. There's honour in that. There's bravery in that. There's victory in that.