One Last Sunset A boy. A girl. The flaming passions of the setting sun reflected in their young faces. He turns. Sweet salt air. A hint of vanilla. Her dark eyes meet his. Eternity wraps herself in a moment. In that tangible instant, he sees another face from another time. A strikingly similar face from an incredibly, indescribably distant time. And he is filled with the anguish of the ages and the regrets of humanity clutch at his heart. Just as his forefathers had before him and just as his sons will after he is dust, the boy sees — in the depths of his love and in the wells of human emotion — that fatal flaw, that Transience which is the curse of humanity. The boy shivers, imperceptibly, as a warm hand slips into his. And he watches quietly as the dying sun slowly slips beneath the dark, dark horizon.
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