Translate   12 years ago

My Angel I met someone. It was most surprising to me that I did. I didn't see them. I couldn't hear them. I could only see there words. And they sang to me. Then to my amazement, the someone turned into a her. This made me smile. Her words sang even louder in my ears now. Weeks go by. Feelings grow. Plans concocted. Decisions made. Days pass with interminable slowness. Seconds seem as hours. Hours as years. Still I have not seen the incarnation of these words that cry out to me. Then, as if all the moments I had waited were nothing but whispers on the wind, the time is upon me. I stand, heart thrumming, knees shaking, stomach churning. Oh that last few minutes were such sweet, sweet torture. The creak of a gate, a quiet foot fall. I stop my pacing. My heart pounds in my ears. The world stops and she is there. A shy glance. Names whispered so quietly as to be almost unheard. The wait is over. Words of any real substance escape us both and all we can do is embrace and hang on. My angel is found. I am complete. Time stands still, only the birdsong audible above our sweet mutterings. How long were we there? Not long enough. But it felt like forever. This is the stuff of fairy tales. Love at first sight. Yet I acknowledge it to be as true and as real as the sunrise. As the swell of the ocean and of the stars in the sky. I am whole again. My missing piece is found. Oh dear love, that we have found each other is nothing less than wondrous. A miracle like this cannot be left alone, in a room, to dwindle and fade. A chance like this may never again cross our paths. Opportunities like this do not arrive at ones feet twice. Seizing of this one pure and perfect chance is a must. My heart is wholly and completely yours to do with as you want. You own me, I could do nothing less than worship every last fibre of your being. You have me........forever for I love you.

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