Storyboard Idea It's 3000 years into the future and the world is ruled by two, left and right wing factions, the united west, led by North America after the economical and social collapse of Europe with what's left been ruled by the US and the free peoples empire of The east, a left wing continent taking up Asia, what's left of Australia after the 10 minute war and Russia. However (before someone rages I know we are millions of years off this) the sun is expanding and earth is on the front line after the liquidation of Venus. So, the UW sets out to the artificial island that is the south pole and begins drilling, and drilling and drilling until (nice again I know this is very un-realistic) they reach the centre of the earth and hollow out the middle putting large combustion engines there and extracting what's left of the earths oil from the inside to feed there furnaces along with anything else they can find. They then cover the antarctic area with engines and pull away from the sun. Alls going well until they realize that with the sun far behind and the earths core missing there is no heat or light. So a handful if hand picked scientists, technicians, a team if soldiers and whoever else can pay there way in are frozen and buried in a bunker under mt Etna. They then wait as the world around them floats into ruin. Feedback please I need to know wether to continue or not thanks!!!!!!
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