Traducciones   13 años

Birth - Tabula Rasa Unlike the birth of Gods and Goddesses; take the birth of Athena for example (Athena was born from Zeus' mind, and Sin from Satan's) we are all born the same. We are created through chaos and void, we enter this world to reflect our future surroundings; cold and bloody, crying to be clothed and to be kept warm. As babies, we are devoid of any sense of purpose, direction, emotion, right or wrong. We are here, not by choice; We are robots, produced on a biological manufacturing line, complete with blank hard drives, ready to be filled with data. The battle of nature versus nurture begins. On the one hand we are guided by our parents, who in turn were guided by their parents and so on; the teachings are based on their own experiences. On the other hand, we are also a result of our environment, taught by other people and the things we see around us. De Tocqueville once said that "morality is the will of the majority." If our parents were inherently 'evil', (and I only use the terms 'good' and 'evil' as our society currently perceives them) we would grow up to believe that being evil is good, and thus our morals in society would be that of an evil person. But is being evil so bad? Take for a moment the example of a world that believes being evil is good, then surely a good person in that society is deemed the freak, and therefore the evil one. Imagine a world of evil and chaos... Actually why would there be chaos? Chaos only arises due to a conflict between forces. It must be asserted that if there is a balance between forces, there is no chaos. Similarly if the scales are tipped to favour one force, again there can be no chaos - it's the in-between where Conflict is born. Consider this when looking at yourself, consider the inner conflict that you have with yourself. On the flip-side; we consider people who act immorally, acting out of malice and hatred, are evil. Is it a result of environment? Or is it a result of upbringing? It may be both. But whose perception is correct? Perhaps this is the reason we have been born; to take part in some strange twisted experiment that the Universe has been tasked with, to determine which is better - nature or nurture. Whether it is better to lead an evil #life, which is carefree, or a good #life, where we are forced to abide by rules and restrictions. I suppose one thing is true; from birth we all have paths to take. Well I say paths, but what I mean is a choice at every juncture. Each choice being irreversible once taken, which leads on to more choices. There is no point in looking back, and wondering where the other path would have taken you; there is no point living #life with regrets. Regardless of which path or paths you take, the final destination is the same for us all; death.

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