Translate   12 years ago

Dreams Can Come True An Extract Hi, I'm Ashleigh. Yes. I know. Horrible name I have! Well I don't know where to start. I never thought that they would ever make a story about me but, I guess you don't really expect anything! And even more so starting it from this point. Well I'm just going to tell you about myself anyway. My name is Ashleigh. I'm 13 years of age. My birthday is on 13th March. I have really dark brown hair, with emerald green eyes. I have a pale complexion, which makes me look emo with such dark hair! I'm 147 cm which is midget to most girls in my school. I'm a twin to my annoyingly smart sister Loren. I love her name too. Let's just say I am too jealous of her! She has everything! Looks! You name it! You see she has the lushest red hair, with very few freckles on either cheek! She has the slightest tan, and the lushhhest blue eyes, that sparkle in the rain! So here my story can start anyway......

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