Zoë You see the thing is, I love her more then anything. I've known her for years and she's my #life. I can't live without her. She makes the blood flow to my heart faster then anyone ever has, my heart beats to the sound of her name. I love everything about her right from he cheeky smile to the way she looks up at me under her fringe when she's embarrassed. She's so beautiful and I know that no one can replace her. No one in the world match's my Zoë. To me she's perfect and I know we will be together forever! We have our ups and downs but who doesn't? I try my hardest to make sure every day for her is I e if the best she's ever had and even when she's had a bad day I'm right here listening to every detail, holding g her in my arms and telling her it will be okay. When I kiss her I feel the rush I got when we first kissed, all the history makes those kisses even sweeter. See the thing is, she's my bunny and my best friend and I will never ever lose her because I would fight until my last breath so I have my amazingly perfect Zoë by my side. Xxxx

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