перевести   13 лет назад

Elementals My name is Veris Banes and I'm a fugitive. If you are reading this you'll know what difficulties I've had to suffer. Only because of what type of person I am. I've been called many things: 'freak' 'murderer' you name it I've been called it. Ever since these strange weather storms started happening I changed as a person, realising that I had a unique ability, a power. It was December 23rd, close to christmas and my birthday, I can still remember it like it was yesterday. I was 18 at that point and had everything I ever wanted, a beautiful girlfriend named Suzanne, and two loving parents, whom I've always called mum and dad, never by their real names. Anyway, we were all sitting beside each other out in the garden, wrapped up in blankets, watching the campfire as its flames licked the winter's crips cold air, as we drank hot coco. 'well this is lovely' said dad ' what a pleasant evening, but yet their's something I have to tell you Veris, something that must be told as urgently as possible, you see your berth mark is different for anyone else's. And my father was right, it was quite strange, it was the shape of a spiral, not exact but it matched the description. This spiral was on the palm of my hand, which then emitted a line that lead up my arm to my heart. My mother always told me that this scar came from when I was first born, due to half of my right arm lacking blood. This was due to a blocked artery which had surgery to make it function properly My dad then spoke to mum and Suzanne and said ' me and Veris are going to have a man to man talk, is that alright?' Both of them said yes and so we headed to the kitchen, my dad made sure the doors were shut when he said ' Veris! Listen and listen carefully, that scar is no ordinary scar, I lied to your mother saying it was your blocked artery, so she doesn't know this either, but that scar is a symbol that you are a elementalist. You are human that can go against the worlds system, end corruption, be a hero! You are one of them!' 'But Dad, I don't know what your on about!' I said. ' you seriously thought I worked as a businessman? I work for MI6 as a data resource manager. I left lots of clues for you to realise I worked for the secret service why didn't you see them. Anyway enough! I don't have much time before they get here, so I'll make this quick, your a chosen one, a person that must end the world's corrupt system and end-' And that is when my dad died, shot threw the head. A shock ran threw me, as I saw my own father, the man I looked up to, dead. #lifeless on the floor. I raised my head to find his killer, when I saw Suzanne pointing the gun that killed my father at me.

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