-Pools- I was drifting; drifting away from the safety of the shallows and the shores of the beach that I called my own. My lungs were screaming as I was tossed and tugged by the ocean tide. Terror pounded in my heart; the kind of terror that makes you forget what you're supposed to do in an emergency. Why was this happening? What did I do to deserve this? Suddenly, my terror faded. My chest was no longer sore and tight, and my aching muscles ceased to hurt. Bubbles escaped my lips as I drifted down into the darkness, until everything around me was black. I wondered if I was still underwater and tried to swim upward. I glided smoothly through the silky blackness. It turned to a silvery gray and then a blinding white. Unusually, the light did not blind my eyes; they seemed to be perfectly adjusted to it. Finally, I broke free and stepped into soft grass. It tickled my toes as I gazed around. I was in an unusual place, with pools the color of fresh milk. When I walked to the closest one, I was startled to see a scene rippling on he surface. It was horrible- I thought that it was someone's death. For a moment, I was frozen with horror. Then, I turned around slowly and walked back over to the pool I had emerged from. I dared to look down at it's pure and clean surface. What I saw froze my blood . I screamed.

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