Translate   12 years ago

Secrets And Lies Chapter 1 I do not get how bad it went, a day ago we were all happy and living our lives, but now it feels like it has ended. I knew I had to look after Cassie, she was my best friend and I hated seeing her like this, I hated seeing us all like this. I shared over to the darkest bit of the room where Cassie and Dan was sitting. I really wanted to go over there, but I couldn't I just couldn't. Everything was just going over my head over the last couple of months and how it all changed. 'Amy, Amy Cassie is here!' In a flash my eyes opened, 'Mum tell Cassie to come up.' In a second I knew Cassie would be telling me all about my boyfriends annoying twin sister Jenny, who Cassie has always hated since Jenny embarrassed her in front of the whole school when Jenny said that Cassie had no one to take care of, but that was two years ago and since then left school, and yet she still has not forgiven her, god I love my best friend. 'Aim I'm sorry but Jenny is just a slut, guess who she is with now?!?!' shouted Cassie. Even I have to admit it Cassie had to be the most beautiful girl that I have even seen. Her silky golden syrup like hair gleamed like the sun, which you can tell has never been dyed. Cassie always looked spectacular, in her tie dye top and navy blue skinny jeans and a body which you would die for. 'What has she done?' 'She is with Dan! The sneaky bitch, how dare she get with my cousin. Out of all the people she could have picked in the University she picks him! I mean he's far to good for her!..' I wish I was listening to what Cassie was saying to me, but in all honestly I was in shock. I do not know why, I guess it was because Dan was my first love and that I thought he would never get with a girl like Jenny. 'AMY! Are you listening to me?' 'Yeah I am sorry I just zoomed out.' 'I know right when the slut told me that she was with him I was surprised, I mean couldn't Dan told me himself? I do bloody live with him.' Dan moved in with Cassie and her mother and father in the first year of college, as his druggie of a mother did not want him after his father died. As Dan had no where else to go, his auntie told him that he could stay at theirs. So ever since then Cassie and Dan have been close and always told each other everything, so I'm not surprised that Cassie is mad at him. 'I've just text Dan, we are going to meet him and James now, so come on girly, get dressed and lets see what my twat of a cousin has got to say out of this one.' 'Okay I will be done in a second.' And with that Cassie left my room to go to talk to my mother. I could not move, I looked at myself in the mirror and realised that I was crying, I did not know why so I wiped away my tears and started getting ready to meet Dan and James who was my boyfriend.

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