Traduzir   13 anos atrás

Top 5's Ok so this is my first thing for this app and I will try to keep it up I promise. But I this is my first and only one basically this is my top five of stuff. Today it's music, not of all time but of this last like month, so here goes. 1. Lana Del Ray: Just has a gorgeous haunting voice and her album is amazing. 2. Johnny Cash: So depressive and calming his voice pretty much is perfect when feeling down. 3. Mumford And Sons: What I call 'winter music' it is perfect to warm you up on a rainy cold day. 4. Ed Sheeren: Yeah this may be a kind of 'jumping on the band wagon' choice.... But it is a beast of a band wagon to be on! 5. Jay-Z: Kind of out of sync with the other choices I know, but he's albums are pretty awesome and great when your in an angrier mood! Thanks for reading, leave comments or something (if you can) so I know people actually see this, if you don't, oh well it's a good way of writing things down and wastes some time! Xx

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