перевести   13 лет назад

Stay With Me (not sure bout the title :/ ) "Get away from me you bastard!! You think I asked for you to be my father??!!" I screamed at my dad. For about the 50th time this week. I shoved him backwards and stormed up to my room, bolted the door, then slumped against the door with my head in my hands. I could hear my dad bellowing insults through the door. "YOU GAY PRICK!! I'M EMBARRESSED THAT YOU'RE MY SON!! Actually I'm bisexual. But that fat slob was close. Even worse - I've got a mega-crush on my best friend. I should probably explain. My name's Sam Harlown, I'm 15 and I have shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes to match. I knew I was bi as soon as I saw James Carnsaw at the school disco in year 8. I've had girlfriends, lots of girlfriends. But James was the only person I was forever staring at, with his neverending blue eyes and his chiseled jaw. He was straight as a ruler as far as I knew, but I was still madly in love with him. I began to cry, and rummaged around my speakers to find what I wanted. My blades.

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