Translate   12 years ago

Society We are told by society that we have to talk, act and look a certain way. We are told in school that if your not an amazing sports player then your a nobody. But then we are also told no one is perfect. But as a Christian we know that one man was perfect and his name was Jesus Christ. We are constantly told by society that in order to have a full #life we need things. But what do we really need to strive for to have a full #life? The best looking spouse? The biggest 4 by 4? The biggest house? a Christian we should follow in Jesus' footsteps. This means the next time somebody calls you ugly...the next time somebody says your not good enough..I want you to turn around to them and say God says I'm good enough! And if you don't think you are able to do that just walk away and think to yourself..I am an image of God and therefore I am amazing and the only persons opinion I need to worry about is Gods! God Bless, And please feel free to follow me! I will be posting regularly on matters which effect teenagers including me!

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