A Disgrace >This week we have seen pictures of an incident of misbehavior from the battle zone in Afghanistan. The video, as posted on You Tube, depicts several members of our Armed Forces urinating on the dead bodies of enemy combatants. As with other scenes of atrocities committed by our Armed Forces in recent years, it is nothing less than shameless and despicable. I do not wish to spend a great deal of time insulting the honor and integrity of those many service members who selflessly sacrifice for their country. My comments are not intended to demonstrate a lack of support or understanding of their challenges suffered in combat zones. Our struggles in conflict in the Middle East during recent years have been challenging. Combat is as always, a violent and abhorrent action that takes lives. It causes the suffering of both innocents and combatants alike. The mission of our military is to execute lawfully issued orders. These orders require our men and women to close and engage with enemy combatants with superior force in such a manner as to defeat their will to fight. Once the enemy has been defeated, killed or surrendered, that action of engagement is ended. Continuing to disrespect and desecrate the remains of enemy combatants is unacceptable and nowhere in the code of the American fighting man. We hold our troops to a higher standard of behavior. Our enemies have been known to not behave in such a manner. There are plenty of documented atrocities committed against US Forces over decades of war. However, it is incumbent upon the fighting force of the United States to rise above this type of inhumane behavior. We cannot allow or tolerate such behavior. Time has proven that this type behavior strengthens the resolve of our enemy and their supporters to respond in kind, with more violence and inhumane treatment of our military. Setbacks like this in such a complicated battle zone results in longer periods of war and loss of #life. Americans are ready for our conflicts in the Middle East to end and to bring our troops home. With that said, we will not want them home until the enemy is defeated and the threat to our security is neutralized. It is critical that our fighting forces must fight in a manner that brings victory, but it also must be done honorably. To those fighting in our Armed Forces -- Follow your orders. Defeat the enemy. Do it honorably. Do not allow yourself to stoop to the levels of animal behavior sometimes clearly demonstrated by our enemies. For those who behaved in an illegal or immoral manner on the field of battle, you will be held accountable. America cannot allow your conduct to continue. This most recent incident clearly demonstrates a failure. A failure by those who engaged in the abhorrent behavior, a failure in the leadership of those committing those acts and a failure of morality. I tip my hat in shame

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