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Body Parliament When I'm day dreaming, I imagine my body is sort of a country, and all the body parts are like this: Brain: Capital city. MPs from each part of the body visit daily to discuss issues for each constituency. After a vote, the decision is passed through parliament. The brain MP is rather right wing, standing for revising loads and listening to all lessons no matter how much your ears bleed. Heart: Second city of the body, it's economy is based on oxygen trade. Citizens are mainly left wing activists, and the MP tends to be Liberal, standing for doing the 'daring' thing, meeting friends and enjoying #life. Mouth: Customs section of the body. Checks each immigrant to make sure they aren't armed or criminals. Any contraband must leave the body immediately through direct vomiting. Stomach: Industrial centre of the body. High crime rate which cause stomach ache, meaning the local police are regularly making arrests. MP regularly makes the case of eating more yoghurt and less cake. Kidneys: SAS training centre. Elite forces are trained here to eliminate threats of national security, and train all year round. Lungs: The body's stock market. Oxygen stock price goes through the roof when exercising, meaning muscles can't afford oxygen, which is why they go weak when exercising. I like to imagine a parliament with a right-winged brain party on one side and a left-winged heart party on the other, arguing over how to deal with everything from how to respond to a question to what to eat for dinner. If you think I'm mad I don't mind, it's much more amusing to think about than maths or physics.

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