Translate   12 years ago

Imagine Imagine that there really was ogres and trolls. Imagine that they was your neighbours or friends. Imagine that they serve you at the store or in fast food places. Imagine that they could become police officers or criminals. Imagine that they can complain and talk like everyone else. Now imagine that you was a troll or ogre. Imagine that ogres and trolls was everyone. Imagine that ogres bully trolls or trolls bully ogres. Imagine that trolls bully other trolls and ogres bully other ogres because they was weaker or slower. Imagine that you was that troll or ogre that was getting bullied. Imagine the feeling of that. Imagine that you see the same thing happing ten years down the line. Would you stop it? Or just walk past like it wasn't happening? I know I would if I realised. Would you?

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