Translate   12 years ago

Love Me -Scene four; cat walks into an office, finding a bunch of flowers on her desk. Over voice reads the note. Overvoice: hey cat. Happy birthday. Sorry you had to work, tonight meet me at Nano's at eight. Got a surprise for you. Love you. Alex. -cat smiles. She places the vase of flowers on her filing cabinet. Someone knocks at the door. Cat- yes? Come in. - a man walks in. Cat. Hi, Ed. Ed: haha! Not anymore, your looking at the new editor and chief of the runway magazine! Its now mr. Davids to you. - cat squeels. They both hug each other. Cat: oh my... Really? I cant believe it, im so proud! Ed: wanna go and open a bottle of chamagne tonight for celebration? Cat: actually i'll have to pass. Im going out with alex to Nano's for my birthday. Ed: oh how could i have forgotten. -Goes and fetches a bag from outside cats office. Takes it to her. Cat opens it gently and reveals a dress and heals neatly packed. Cat- oh, this must have cost you a fortune! - they hug again. Blackout.

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