Back To School #5 Friday. My first lesson today was Maths. I didn't really do much. It was a nostalgic lesson as my corner were just talking about memories from year 7-8. It was nice to remember so many funny things. My second lesson was IT. My computer wasn't working so I had to move next to my friend Ben. He gave me the work I had to do in class so I started messing about (Looking at close ups of Mark Zuckerburg, don't ask) Then I got sent out and my teacher, Ms Bagaric, didn't know I had done the work. She sent me to another room. The third lesson on a Friday was History. I had done my homework in tutor so I was all set. We just looked at loads of BBC bitesize History revision and their video activities are hilarious. My final lesson was Science. Ms Mehta. It was really fun. I did the work, chilled, messed around. Pretty much a good Friday. What I bought at the shop: 1x Pot Noodle: Spicy and 1x Doritos: Cool Original.

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