Translate   12 years ago

Wonderful TRX TRX suspension trainer is a wonderful tool! What was that? You don't have one? Wow, that's unfortunate. You better get one yourself, or find a gym that is properly equipped so to speak. It doesn't take long before you get worked up! Since you move the entire of your body, all the time, your heart needs to work. Which it doesn't really need in the same extent when you do the bench press, or some machine. When I got home from my work today, as a personal trainer, I found a moment of peace and thought up a little program for myself this evening. I found my kettlebell in the closet, took my TRX force kit and tossed the door anchor over the door. Then I got started! A short nice warm up, some joint movement and easy single hand swings with the kettlebell, it's only 16kg which is a bit more than 32lbs. Went on to some high pulls. To keep the intensity my only paus was adjusting the TRX. So after the two kettlebell exercises I did two TRX exercises. The low row in combination with the bicep curl and then the standing roll out in combination with the chest press (push up). The whole program was two exercises from each before switching. Focus was on upper body!

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