To Murder Or Not Introduction. They considered themselves normal, born of normal parents, lived normal childhoods, had normal adventures, had normal heartache etc. Why then did nine men decide murder was the only way. After all they are all "normal" . They all agreed the murder had to take place, it was the only way, the only solution. What would it take for a "normal" group of young men to agree to take another persons #life. Most would imagine the circumstances to be unbearable or the person to be murdered must have committed a heinous act upon the murderers. Maybe "An eye for an eye" was the major reason. In 1990 9 men aged between 18 and 27 planned over a 3 week period to ambush, murder and hide all traces of the crime. The plot, as always they do, went wrong and spiralled out of control to the point where friends became enemies and animal instinct took over. There were no winners just heartache and misery for #life........... Do we want to hear how this amazing story unfolds .

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