Translate   3 years ago

You’re Supposed to be My Enemy, But You’re the Only One Near to Me

A peaceful slumber is so close,
Yet so far away
Bitterness nibbles at the fray
Of a mind twisted to distorted knots
Somewhat familiar, is it not?
There’s a friend lingering in the shadows of my mind
I wish I had the courage to embrace him this time
He fills my heart with the most serene fear I’ve ever known
But unfortunately, he chills most to the bone
Others seek to avoid this man they do not know
They swear to the highest heavens he’s a foe
But they’ve only met him in passing
His silent presence is rather dashing
There’s something sensual in his cold embrace
On everyone’s tongue is the name without a face
I could write him love letters all day,
But I hate how he hurts loved ones in such untimely ways
Still, I hope his cold touch will rock me to sleep one day


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