Two Years Ago Today Two years ago today Ismael Navarro decided to do something different with his daily routine. Isn't this how a story starts? He, for some odd reason, wanted to come to my house. We had never interacted in person before so this was this best surprise to me. For I had admired him for so long. He was two grades above mine and always quiet. I guess I was quiet to some people too but that's just because nobody ever really got to me. So when I walked into my living room to this handsome man sitting on my couch playing Halo Reach with my brothers and I'm a red, literally hot mess from my walk home, what do I do? I turn and run to my mothers room to hide. I remember exactly what I was wearing, tan shorts, a baby blue tank top, Invader Zim jacket and knee high socks with stripes and of course my black high tops. When I came back out he wasn't playing anymore but he was observing the others play with his best friend. I felt the urge to be braver than ever so I sat next to him and talked to him for our first real conversation. And what did I do in my sophomore awkwardness? I pulled out my black nail polish and did his nails. And he let me. I don't think I could lead him on in the more obvious ways that I wanted to hold his hand by studying every scar on his hand from when he was a kid and telling him I like hands. I don't even know where that came from. He EVENTUALLY took a freaking hint and held my hand. My heart was beating a million times a minute, I couldn't even look at him. I was looking at the TV but my thoughts were blinding my vision until he placed his other hand on my neck. It was so warm. He turned my head and kissed me in the sweetest, longest, most amazing first kiss that I swore it could've lasted forever. Then he just looked at me and we knew that was that. We were happy. The song playing on my little brothers Lightning McQueen radio across the room.. Nothin On You by B.o.B. I couldn't contain the hoard of butterflies in my stomach. His best friend, Kevin turned to ask Ismael something.. Probably about Halo but then he saw what was happening and stuttered until my brother slapped him back into playing the game. I giggled. Who giggles? I've giggled since then. About an hour later Ismael got picked up to leave and I hugged him and kissed him a quick goodnight. I didn't know what it was but I was too entranced by this dream come true. There was still a little problem though. I realized that I had been used before and suddenly I was scared things were headed in a circle. Ismael forgot something.... He never asked me to be with him. (To Be Continued.)

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