Traducciones   4 años

Have we forgotten?

Unkind words spoken
Souls deeply broken

Instead of light and life there is only dark
Tearing each other down , smothering every spark

Disagreement turning into all out war
A world now divided to its very core

So quickly we buy into lies so deceptive
No hesitation ,no batting an eye its just accepted

Those who dare to question are met with hostility
Open minds and common courtesy a lost ability.

Compassion and kindness thrown all out the door
Being right becoming something you want much more.

Friendships torn apart it’s all such a great shame
Arguing and making unkind assumptions , placing blame.

Hostility ,Name calling and words you can’t take back
Everyone agreeing with you is it more important then the kindness you lack?

What happen to if you can’t say anything nice don’t saying anything at all?
Have we lost our minds? Cutting others down to make a point how far will we fall?

You never really know what someone may be going through.
Do you want someone falling off the edge from thoughtless words spoken from you ?

Nobody is required to agree with everything you say
It’s ok to have and option , to see things in a different way.

You don’t have to agree with someone in order to show compassion.
You can have and opinion still be kind and act in a civilized fashion,

It’s ok to have and opinion to stand up for what you believe in.
But be kind and do it for the right reasons not just to win.

We are all fighting our own wars and battles in life.
Let’s not add to the stress and cause each other more

Let’s be quick to listen and slow to speak
Compassion and understanding is what we all seek .

Instead let’s build each other up instead of tearing each other down!
A kind word a simple act of kindness pull people up instead of watching them drown !

Maybe then we can bring back some of the light!
We can spark a fire even in the darkest night!

If everyone fought with a fire for each other as much as they did to be right.
Then we could overcome any darkness we would be shining so bright !

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