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The Scratching in the Walls
“There! Surely you heard it THAT time?”

(Don’t you dare look at me like that! I know condescension when I see it. After all, I used to be the Chief Psychologist on duty here.)

“I am NOT deluded!”

(The asshole thinks she knows everything.)

“Yes, I remember those days. Back when I thought, like you, that all of the residents here were ‘poor deluded souls’ but don’t you see? I was wrong! How could I have been so wrong?”

(All your degrees and papers and labels . . . they don't mean ANYTHING, you fool!)

“What do I think? I think maybe it was finding that cursed diary hidden in Bailey’s room that led to everything, and brought me to HIS attention.”

(HE will find you too, Doctor Smartypants.)

“What do you mean, ‘Who is HE?’ You know. I know you do! You work for HIM now, don’t you?!”

(Okay, fine. Keep pretending that it is all in my head. We both know that delusions can’t actually scratch on the walls. I am worried though—)

“THERE! See? It IS real!”

(Did HE say my name?)
"Shhh! HE’s talking now. Can't you hear HIM?"

(It’s so clear.)

“Liar! I know you can hear that!”


“Shut up, damn you! HE wants to tell me something!”

(I can?)

“It is NOT my imagination!”

(Why, yes, I see it! The doctor DOES have a gold ink pen . . . with such a lovely sharp tip.)

Uh . . . Doctor, I think you might be right.

(Look at that smile. She is VERY predictable, always ready to humor the lunatic.)

Wait! Come look through this small hole in the wall . . . I can prove to you that HE exists!


You have made me feel so much better, Doctor.

(Thank YOU, as well . . . I never knew blood was so dark, tasted so sweet, or that there was so much of it inside one person.)

[©2020 - Dusty Grein]

#horror #shortfiction #dustygrein

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