A never ending nightmare
Deep sleep or wide awake
A wall of shadowed darkness
I pray release, my soul to take
Alone and lost in emptiness
The echoes of the dead
Head full of broken memories
And of words we never said
The sharpened tongue, the tortured hum
Raw pain so clear to hear
Cracked, bleeding heart so damaged
Its gentle beat tainted with fear
A war inside a fragile mind
Two halves of the same soul
A bitter fight, a brutal slay
Both with the same end goal
This life so very wasted
Existence is a hurtful class
A tiptoe through the shadows
Each footstep cuts like glass
Under your breath, a silent wish
You know to never scream
Eyes hollow, full of blackened tears
Life's a nightmare, not a dream

#opusia #poem #nightmare #dream

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