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My sister wrote this. She always dismisses her writing skills, but I think she's awesome. What say you, shipmates?

The China Doll

The China doll is broken.
The China doll is cracked.
It doesn't matter what you do
Because her filling won't come back.
She wasn't handled gently,
She wasn't given care.
Her fragile body used and damaged
Shows her life just wasn't fair.

Her little rosy cheeks are faded,
Her lips are dull and worn.
Her eyes that once shone emerald
Are empty and forlorn.
Her hair is lank and lifeless,
No longer golden curls.
She isn't now appealing
To all the little boys and girls.

She's not alone upon her shelf,
Theres many other toys.
But they're oblivious to her suffering;
They cannot hear her voice.
Her arms outstretched, her eyes are pleading,
Hoping someone sees her pain.
But soon her body will be nothing
All her praying is in vain.

With spider web like fingers
That inch around her skin,
The cracks will soon consume her
As she's eaten from within.
The hole she's feels inside her
Weighs heavy on her chest.
She cannot rid this feeling
Even though she's tried her best.

If she had the need to breathe
It would catch within her throat.
Her China heart would beat so fast
So much it might explode.
Her little brow would moisten
Her tiny palms would sweat,
She knew that when she collapses;
Others would soon forget.

So slowly now she crumbles
There'll be nothing left to show
Of the little China legacy
But this dusty pile of clothes.
Will anybody miss her?
And the absence of her soul?
Will anybody mourn the little doll
Who wanted to be whole?


  • Мне нравится
  • Люблю
  • HaHa
  • WoW
  • Грустный
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