Traducciones   5 años

-Regarding Bavel-

Hey guys! This isn’t any next part or epilogue to Bavel, I just want to say a huge THANK YOU to all of you who have stuck with me for three and a half years reading this story, it means a whole lot to me that you guys have engaged and enjoyed it for the egregious amount of time it took to write!! I do want to place a disclaimer here that— if you did not like the ending and how things were resolved; if you did not feel like the lore of this story was answered in ANY way shape or form, and the way it leaves is sorely confusing— fear not!! This is only a first draft, and yes it scared me out of my wits to write and share it with all of you as such, this story and its characters really mean a lot to me, but I am so glad you all have enjoyed it for what it is. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart!

To answer a couple of questions you might have regarding the end of Bavel!
- Will I be posting more drafts here?
Likely not! Not only do I believe it would become a bit tedious and repetitive for you all to see the same chapters over and over again, but the next time I want to share it, I want it to be the best it possibly can— and by that I mean, of course, getting it published! Again, this draft is far from polished, there are a lot of ideas and details I want to flesh out and explain more thoroughly, and when it is done I hope to have a physical paperback in my hands!
- Will I be posting any other stories here?
Maybe! There is another novella I’ve been writing that I’ve considered posting, but it doesn’t quite work as well in as many small parts as Bavel has. There might be more short stories, or flash fiction that I’ll post in the near future, however, so look out for those! *wink wonk*
- Is there anywhere else I can find you?
Definitely! I have Patreon, actually, where I post a ton of my art, animations, and writings, which you can check out over here:
And an Instagram, over here:

And again, thank you guys so so much for all of your patience and support, it means the world to me. I hope that you enjoyed my small, sassy, robotic arson bunny and his endless shenanigans!


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