Translate   6 years ago


When the last thing you want to do is write.
When that sinking feeling has sunken in
And everything adds up to nothing.
When your heart skips a beat at night,
Where high and low water tides unite.
When the pit of your stomach steals your throat.
When you have nought, with no one to tell
And cloudless skies come over dull.
When the sea stops rolling
And the apple simply does not fall.
When water dries and the parched quench,
The Sun and Moon turn about.
When limits are reached but not yet met.
When nothing appears worthy of pen and ink.
When boredom and episodes of melancholy link
And apathy confounds the energetic.
Let creative juices flow, write all you can,
Even rubbish, it’s written for all time,
This is how the history of us on Earth began.

Copyright Ⓒ 2019 Chris Pat Kirk all rights reserved

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