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  6 anos atrás

10 anos atrás

Love How do you think of love? Sweet and warm? Cruel and distress? There is no definition! It's all about experience. Love can be fantastic, Like a pair of chop stick. Stick together, Rely on each other, Missing one of them can be disaster. Love can be crumble To a leaves which is unbelievable. Dissension, misconception, corruption. It's easy to say " break up", But hard to forget when it's comes up. Love is blind, At the same time, there is no deadline. Believe your intuition, And make a bright decision. But remember, don't be the third person. Love is mighty, Bring all people in the country. We love, we care, we treasure. Be a good creature, And that's is what we want for future. Friendship, Family love, Romance. They should be coexist, Because they are all the key of love.

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