Translate   12 years ago

Bad Angels Fiction. Original by me. Introduction. The light of the sun suddenly blinded me without warning. I groaned. "Get up. First day of school!" my mother pulled the cover off and to the floor. "I won't drive you of you don't get up in the next 5 seconds!" Get up. The voice in my head commanded, I followed without question. I knew I was crazy but the voice, it was my companion. I never talked back to it, but I trusted it. It was velvet and sweet like honey. I had started in my 16 birthday. In July. My feet followed its command to the bathroom. Then to my closet where I picked out some blue jeans and a "Stay Positive" sweater over a tank top. I examined myself. Ugliest girl in our high school. My hair has always been red and my face covered in freckles. Skinny and its impossible to gain weight. I trotted down the stairs picking up a Pop-Tart in the kitchen and then hurrying to the front sit of the car. I looked up and reached for my book-bag and that's when I saw him. A being so beautiful it couldn't be real. It was inhumanly beautiful.

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