Translate   5 years ago

mя. ⅉɑԀㅌ guilty of looking yet feeling too little  guilty of cooking his heart ‘til it’s brittle  guilty of knowing such badness exists guilty of going in, tied at the wrists   tells everyone that he’s seen it before tells all but himself not to close any door  tells those that’ll listen to never ignore  tells tales to a god he keeps bound on the floor    he closes his eyes to the pain we all feel exposes the ‘whys’ to a filter of steel he knows that he isn’t and can’t be alone  he goes through it all for the chance to atone   we’re all like our hero, depressed and deflated we’re all just detritus, disgusted; debated we’re all not quite used to how much we are hated  we’re all human beings, and as such; related...     #newpost

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