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Happiness: A Country The concept of happiness is unfamiliar to this brain A foreign country I have countlessly read about but have never properly visited before. Happiness is a woman pressed softly against the glass window pane; always on the outside of wherever I am. Things do not just become happy and if they do I cling on so tightly it’s a chore more than a love no heather relationship sits on the table as I clutch at straws asking what it wants. Every day of my #life I actively recite 3 good things. Even on the worst day of my entire #life thus far I believe there is something positive. Though it need not be much a clear commute to work or a smile from a stranger I do not live in the world where there isn’t a single shred of light. Though often I need so much more than a glimpse I bathe in the tiniest glow so that it fills this room just for a second the world is clear and there is something to strive for If happiness insists on remaining on the outside I will go and find her. It’s so damn hard to live in something else’s shadow, an overbearing stranger but one day we will be lovers the stars the light to our dance floor and happiness will be mine. One day she will be mine.

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